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BOCAF - Start-Up Community

Aktualisiert: 29. März 2020

In April 2019 the board of the Hirschengraben Coworking + Innovation traveled to Israel. There they got to get to know the Israeli Start-up scene and other coworking spaces. The idea of a "Bridge of friendship and competence" came up during that trip. Shortly after BOCAF was founded. 

The bridge of competence and friendship is an intercultural community created especially for the Israeli and Swiss Start-up scenes.

Based on personal and international friendship our platform enables a quick and efficient exchange of mutual knowledge, technologies and resources. We use the resulting synergy to create new opportunities. Our dream is that new products and ecosystems result out of our unique cross cultural community. BOCAF enables members to gain new partnerships and get access to new business areas.

Consisting of various successful personalities, our community grants Entrepreneurs a unique ecosystem with international influence. We emphasize on encouraging Start ups to operate sustainably and righteously.

some impressions about the journey in israel (april 2019):

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